Translation Manager V 4.0

Note for translators working offline.

You have the possibility to export all the texts to translate from the dashboard of every project assigned to you:

A clic on the "Export all texts to translate" will allow you to download a TEXT file (previously it was a CSV file), containing every English text to translate, contextual information (if any) and the French translation (always) to help you understanding or fixing a doubt, and also the prefered translation in your language of the glossary terms found in the text to translate (column "Glossary"):

Because the glossary entries in your language contain non-English chars, it was not any more possible to export these contents in the CSV format. You will have to open the downloaded TEXT file (with any text editor) and to copy/paste the whole content into MS Excel (or any other spreadsheet) for a convenient display.

Do not hesitate to report any issue or suggestion about this Translation Manager portal. You will get an answer in due time.